
Meet The Team | Nadia Ali | Publicist


Age - 30

Occupation - Music Publicist

Location - NYC

When were you first approached to be a part of the MI team? What were your initial thoughts?  I was first approached right after Fredgy had written the script earlier this year.  I was honored and excited.  On a personal level knowing Fredgy, I was extremely proud of her for writing the script (inspired by personal experience). Seeing it manifested on film is incredible. 

What is your role in MI?  Film Publicist and Event Planner 

Favorite scene?  I love the karaoke scene - it's beautifully shot and is the perfect scene to use in the trailer.  

How has MI impacted your life? Career?  Milking It helped me build my confidence in Film PR as my PR background is heavily in Music.. I've learned to not be afraid to try new things, you may be really good at something you never knew you were :)

What are your hopes for the film and rest of the crew? I hope the film gets picked up by many festivals and hopefully turns into a spin-off series.  

Do you have any parting thoughts you'd like to share? Can't wait for the film to be shared with the world! I think everyone that watches the film, male or female, will totally relate to the common theme -- wanting to be loved and giving love.