
Meet The Team | Fredgy Noël | Writer-Director-Lead

Fredgy Meet the Team.jpg


  • Age - 32
  • Occupation - Television Writer/Producer
  • Location - NYC

When were you first approached to be a part of the MI team? What were your initial thoughts?

I wrote the screenplay in November of 2013. After sharing the story with a few friends I decided the project was strong enough to produce. I had never worked on a film before so I started thinking about who I wanted to be part of my dream team. I set up some dates with girls I'd worked with and/or hung out with and shared with them the screenplay. These meetings took place in cafes, bars, and restaurants all over the city. After a month of courting, we had our first meeting in early January. And now we're here.


What is your role in MI?

Writer, Producer,Director, Lead, Editor, Cheerleader

Favorite memory of filming?


Favorite scene? 

The bubbles and making light out of glass for the karaoke scene. (shout out to our DP for getting creative).

How has MI impacted your life? Career?

Making this film has impacted my life in so many ways. I've learned how to become an effective leader, to trust my gut, and that great things happen when you work with the right people.

What are your hopes for the film and rest of the crew?

I hope the audiences enjoy the film. And I look forward to working with these ladies on other projects.

Do you have any parting thoughts you'd like to share? 

I have abandonment issues and can not answer this question.